Downloadable Report
Conversations on the future of mobility
As industry players struggle to adapt to rapidly changing expectations, what awaits us in the future of mobility? Listen and read on to find out.
Listen to hear from mobility experts [00:00]
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Creating a position in this new frontier of personalized in-car interactions, immersive buying experiences and wholly new mobility-enabled services will mean putting customers in the driver’s seat. In a new frog report, we ask experts to dig into the conversation around connected mobility, autonomy paradigms and electric vehicles of all types—as well as the new customer experiences and business ecosystems these modalities will inspire.
Featuring conversations with
Emerging tech is reshaping the mobility landscape. Meanwhile, in a post-pandemic world, the reasons why we move at all have dramatically changed and will continue to shift for the foreseeable future. The automotive businesses that can stay relevant will be able to connect the dots to unite experiences for customers, implementing exciting new technology while navigating profoundly different notions of ownership, value and brand loyalty.
The Road Ahead is a downloadable frog report and podcast episode that curates insights from conversations with experts in the world of business, innovation, academia and art, featuring research conducted by frog colleagues at Capgemini Invent.
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Listen to 'The Road Ahead' episode of the Design Mind frogcast, frog’s official podcast series.
Ep. 30
Featuring experts on the future of mobility from frog,
Capgemini Invent and Cornell Tech
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Featured Speakers
Dr. Philipp Haaf
Global Head, Smart Mobility Connect, Capgemini Invent
Listen to hear how mobility leaders are driving success [00:00]
Anne Junge
Head of Customer Transformation Germany, frog
Listen to hear why CX is making an impact [00:00]
Customers want vehicles to move them in more ways than one.
Consumer expectations are being shaped far outside the mobility industry. Instead, they’re being shaped by giants in tech and e-commerce that have turned intuitive, streamlined interactions into a way of life—and have built the strategic ecosystems necessary to deliver.
To meet the new demands of smart, connected mobility, automotive brands will need to position themselves in a future where vehicles are not one-off purchases, but instead rolling, connected platforms for products and services that make entirely new customer experiences possible.
Listen to hear more about customer-centric strategies [00:00]
New mobility experiences require new mobility mindsets.
Autonomy paradigms and business models will be shaped by the companies that can seamlessly and securely land the required tech, but also deliver on creating the meaningful, trustworthy interactions that will allow customers to reclaim the ride for themselves.
Whether we’ll have roads full of self-driving cars carrying passengers anytime soon remains to be seen, but the opportunities for everything from reimagined commutes to new infrastructures for long-haul trucking continues to keep automation in the collective imagination.
Listen to hear more about autonomous futures [00:00]
Featured Speakers
Greg Lindsay
Urban Tech Fellow, Cornell Tech Jacobs Institute
Listen to hear more about mobility-led disruption [00:00]
Sean Rhodes
Executive Creative Director North America, frog
Listen to hear how software is transforming the vehicle [00:00]
How we live has historically been shaped by how we get around.
The car gave way to expanded communities. Cities have been built around public transportation hubs. Railroads and highways have made connections across long distances, while simultaneously allowing us the freedom to spread out.
Mobility companies—and businesses that may never before have identified as mobility companies—will need to find a way forward, meeting customers where they are and where they’d like to be.
Hear more about how mobility shapes societies [00:00]
1. Car as a Platform
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